Digital Agency 8600
from Lagos to the world
We help companies in the digital transformation process, creating tools adapted to their daily needs. Our focus is work together to achieve our goals.

Orallagos Clinic
Web Platforms
Web platform for a dental clinic.
- Responsive website
- Backoffice
Kayak Adventures Lagos
Web Platforms
Web platform for a maritime-touristic company dedicated to sightseeing by kayak along the coast of Lagos.
- Responsive website
- Booking system
- Backoffice

Tasca Jota
Web Platforms
Web platform for a typical portuguese restaurant
- Responsive website
- Booking system
- Backoffice
- History
Session +
- Config(array)
- userAgentb007303e771bd31864c6a97b2ce3114a
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- config_languageen
- _Token(array)
- key1ec8f0bdab950c5bdeae388246080c91ec8b139b7cd33ecf8fb6ea5b036c05a85cb2690c627ab60eac29363489baf9e9c3a3ae38c3a9937089e37ed1f1df4e84
- allowedControllers(empty)
- allowedActions(empty)
- unlockedFields(empty)
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==== - Config(array)
Request +
Cake Params
- plugin(null)
- controllerpage_types
- actionhomepage
- named(empty)
- pass(empty)
- langen
- _Token(array)
- key1ec8f0bdab950c5bdeae388246080c91ec8b139b7cd33ecf8fb6ea5b036c05a85cb2690c627ab60eac29363489baf9e9c3a3ae38c3a9937089e37ed1f1df4e84
- unlockedFields(empty)
Post data
No post data.
Query string
No querystring data.
- 0(empty)
Current Route
- keys(array)
- 0lang
- options(array)
- langpt|en|de
- defaults(array)
- controllerpage_types
- actionhomepage
- plugin(null)
- template/:lang
==== - Sql Log
Timer +
Peak Memory Use 6.64 MB
Message Memory use Component initialization 3.20 MB Controller action start 4.71 MB Controller render start 4.82 MB View render complete 5.68 MB Timers
Total Request Time: 105 (ms)
Message Time in ms Graph Core Processing (Derived from $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME"]) 35.57 Event: Controller.initialize 35.49 Event: Controller.startup 2.47 Controller action 10.55 Event: Controller.beforeRender 8.23 » Processing toolbar data 8.12 Rendering View 4.16 » Event: View.beforeRender 0.02 » Rendering APP/View/PageTypes/homepage.ctp 2.82 » Event: View.afterRender 0.01 » Event: View.beforeLayout 0.01 » Rendering APP/View/Layouts/default.ctp 0.77 Event: View.afterLayout 0.00 ==== - Log
Variables +
View Variables
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- id65
- associate_promotion0
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- booking_urlhttps://www.actualboattrips.com/
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id116
- slug(null)
- titleActual Boat Trips
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- description(null)
- Image(array)
- id12
- nameactual_boat_trips_logo.jpg
- TopImage(array)
- id(null)
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- 1(array)
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- static_page0
- booking_system1
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- slugcompanies
- PageContent(array)
- id70
- associate_promotion0
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- booking_urlhttps://www.esperancadelagos.pt/
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id126
- slug(null)
- titleClube de Futebol Esperança de Lagos
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- description(null)
- Image(array)
- id17
- nameesperanca_lagos_logo.jpg
- TopImage(array)
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- id67
- associate_promotion0
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- booking_urlhttps://www.ezridelagos.com/
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id120
- slug(null)
- titleEzride Ocean Kayak Tours
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- description(null)
- Image(array)
- id14
- nameezride_lagos.jpg
- TopImage(array)
- id(null)
- name(null)
- Gallery(array)
- id(null)
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- 3(array)
- PageType(array)
- id38
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- booking_system1
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- slugcompanies
- PageContent(array)
- id68
- associate_promotion0
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- booking_urlhttps://www.orallagos.pt/
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id122
- slug(null)
- titleOralLagos
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- description(null)
- Image(array)
- id15
- nameorallagos_logo.jpg
- TopImage(array)
- id(null)
- name(null)
- Gallery(array)
- id(null)
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- PageType(array)
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- booking_system1
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- slugcompanies
- PageContent(array)
- id66
- associate_promotion0
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- booking_urlhttps://www.kayakadventureslagos.com/
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id118
- slug(null)
- titleKayak Adventures
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- description(null)
- Image(array)
- id13
- namekayak_adventures_logo.jpg
- TopImage(array)
- id(null)
- name(null)
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- PageType(array)
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- PageContent(array)
- id71
- associate_promotion0
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- booking_urlhttps://www.viveroverao.com/
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id128
- slug(null)
- titleViver o Verão
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- description(null)
- Image(array)
- id18
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- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- slugcompanies
- PageContent(array)
- id64
- associate_promotion0
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- booking_urlhttps://www.seafaris.net/
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id114
- slug(null)
- titleSeafaris
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- description(null)
- Image(array)
- id11
- nameseafaris_logo.jpg
- TopImage(array)
- id(null)
- name(null)
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- id(null)
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- 7(array)
- PageType(array)
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- associate_promotion0
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- slugcompanies
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- id69
- associate_promotion0
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- booking_urlhttps://www.tascajota.com/
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id124
- slug(null)
- titleTasca Jota
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- description(null)
- Image(array)
- id16
- nametasca_jota_logo.jpg
- TopImage(array)
- id(null)
- name(null)
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- 8(array)
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- id63
- associate_promotion0
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- booking_urlhttps://www.cm-lagos.pt/
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id112
- slug(null)
- titleCâmara Municipal de Lagos
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- description(null)
- Image(array)
- id10
- namecm_lagos_logo.jpg
- TopImage(array)
- id(null)
- name(null)
- Gallery(array)
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- 0(array)
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- 0(array)
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- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id168
- slugorallagos-clinic
- titleOrallagos Clinic
- subtitle
- introductionWeb platform for a dental clinic. <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Responsive website</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Backoffice</li> </ul>
- PageType(array)
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContentTranslationAssociated(array)
- titleWeb Platforms
- Image(array)
- id44
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- PageContent(array)
- 1(array)
- PageContent(array)
- id90
- homepage0
- associate_promotion0
- page_content_associate73
- booking_urlhttps://www.kayakadventureslagos.com/
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id166
- slugkayak-adventures-lagos
- titleKayak Adventures Lagos
- subtitle
- introductionWeb platform for a maritime-touristic company dedicated to sightseeing by kayak along the coast of Lagos. <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Responsive website</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Booking system</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Backoffice</li> </ul>
- PageType(array)
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContentTranslationAssociated(array)
- titleWeb Platforms
- Image(array)
- id43
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- PageContent(array)
- 2(array)
- PageContent(array)
- id89
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- associate_promotion0
- page_content_associate73
- booking_urlhttps://www.tascajota.com/
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id164
- slugtasca-jota
- titleTasca Jota
- subtitle
- introductionWeb platform for a typical portuguese restaurant <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Responsive website</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Booking system</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Backoffice</li> </ul>
- PageType(array)
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
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- titleWeb Platforms
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- id42
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- PageContent(array)
- 0(array)
- popular_services(array)
- 0(array)
- PageContent(array)
- id73
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- id53
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- id20
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- id134
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- introductionDigital strategies to improve the visibility and results
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- id53
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- id24
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- 0(array)
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- modified2021-08-28 16:26:34
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- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id45
- slug
- titleDigital Agency 8600
- subtitlefrom Lagos to the world
- descriptionWe help companies in the digital transformation process, creating tools adapted to their daily needs. Our focus is work together to achieve our goals.
- description_complement(null)
- Image(array)
- id(null)
- name(null)
- TopImage(array)
- id(null)
- name(null)
- PageType(array)
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- 0(array)
- PageType(array)
- id38
- associate_promotion0
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- id49
- slugcompanies
- PageContent(array)
- id66
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.kayakadventureslagos.com/
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id118
- slug(null)
- titleKayak Adventures
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- Image(array)
- id13
- namekayak_adventures_logo.jpg
- PageType(array)
- 1(array)
- PageType(array)
- id38
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id49
- slugcompanies
- PageContent(array)
- id70
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.esperancadelagos.pt/
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id126
- slug(null)
- titleClube de Futebol Esperança de Lagos
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- Image(array)
- id17
- nameesperanca_lagos_logo.jpg
- PageType(array)
- 2(array)
- PageType(array)
- id38
- associate_promotion0
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- id49
- slugcompanies
- PageContent(array)
- id63
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.cm-lagos.pt/
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id112
- slug(null)
- titleCâmara Municipal de Lagos
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- Image(array)
- id10
- namecm_lagos_logo.jpg
- PageType(array)
- 3(array)
- PageType(array)
- id38
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id49
- slugcompanies
- PageContent(array)
- id67
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.ezridelagos.com/
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id120
- slug(null)
- titleEzride Ocean Kayak Tours
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- Image(array)
- id14
- nameezride_lagos.jpg
- PageType(array)
- 4(array)
- PageType(array)
- id38
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id49
- slugcompanies
- PageContent(array)
- id71
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.viveroverao.com/
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id128
- slug(null)
- titleViver o Verão
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- Image(array)
- id18
- nameviver_verao_logo.jpg
- PageType(array)
- 5(array)
- PageType(array)
- id38
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id49
- slugcompanies
- PageContent(array)
- id64
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.seafaris.net/
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id114
- slug(null)
- titleSeafaris
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- Image(array)
- id11
- nameseafaris_logo.jpg
- PageType(array)
- 6(array)
- PageType(array)
- id38
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id49
- slugcompanies
- PageContent(array)
- id68
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.orallagos.pt/
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id122
- slug(null)
- titleOralLagos
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- Image(array)
- id15
- nameorallagos_logo.jpg
- PageType(array)
- 7(array)
- PageType(array)
- id38
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id49
- slugcompanies
- PageContent(array)
- id65
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.actualboattrips.com/
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id116
- slug(null)
- titleActual Boat Trips
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- Image(array)
- id12
- nameactual_boat_trips_logo.jpg
- PageType(array)
- 8(array)
- PageType(array)
- id38
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id49
- slugcompanies
- PageContent(array)
- id69
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.tascajota.com/
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id124
- slug(null)
- titleTasca Jota
- subtitle(null)
- introductionLogo
- Image(array)
- id16
- nametasca_jota_logo.jpg
- PageType(array)
- 9(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContent(array)
- id72
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.viveroverao.com
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id130
- slugviver-o-verao
- titleViver o Verão
- subtitle
- introductionWeb platform to collect inscriptions for a kids program of Câmara Municipal de Lagos. <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Responsive website</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Booking system</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Backoffice</li <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Reports</li> </ul>
- Image(array)
- id19
- nameviver_o_verao.png
- PageType(array)
- 10(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContent(array)
- id81
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.ezridelagos.com
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id148
- slugezride-ocean-kayak-tours
- titleEzride Ocean Kayak Tours
- subtitle
- introductionWeb platform for a maritime-touristic company dedicated to sightseeing by kayak along the coast of Lagos. <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Responsive website</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Booking system</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Backoffice</li> </ul>
- Image(array)
- id34
- name08.png
- PageType(array)
- 11(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContent(array)
- id82
- associate_promotion0
- booking_url
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id150
- slugfestival-f
- titleFestival F
- subtitle
- introductionMobile application for the 2018 Festival F music event in Faro. <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Android</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>iOS</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Smartphone</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Tablet</li> </ul>
- Image(array)
- id35
- namefestival_f.jpeg
- PageType(array)
- 12(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContent(array)
- id83
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.actualboattrips.com
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id152
- slugactual-boat-trips
- titleActual Boat Trips
- subtitle
- introductionWeb platform for a maritime-touristic company dedicated to sightseeing by boat and kayak. <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Responsive website</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Booking system</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Backoffice</li> </ul>
- Image(array)
- id36
- name04.png
- PageType(array)
- 13(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContent(array)
- id84
- associate_promotion0
- booking_url
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id154
- slugbest-way
- titleBest Way
- subtitle
- introductionMobile application to help to find the companies in the reception areas of Lagos. <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Android</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>iOS</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Smartphone</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Tablet</li> </ul>
- Image(array)
- id37
- name19.png
- PageType(array)
- 14(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContent(array)
- id85
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.esperancadelagos.pt
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id156
- slugcf-esperanca-de-lagos
- titleCF Esperança de Lagos
- subtitle
- introductionWeb plataform to share the club's activity with its members. <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Responsive website</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Get new members</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>line store</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Backoffice</li> </ul>
- Image(array)
- id38
- name01.png
- PageType(array)
- 15(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContent(array)
- id86
- associate_promotion0
- booking_url
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id158
- sluginstagram-discover-lagos
- titleInstagram Discover Lagos
- subtitle
- introductionCreation of a strategy for the Instagram of the project Discover Lagos. <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Instagram Strategy</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Reach audience</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Disclosure of partners</li> </ul>
- Image(array)
- id39
- name12.png
- PageType(array)
- 16(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContent(array)
- id87
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.seafaris.net
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id160
- slugseafaris
- titleSeafaris
- subtitle
- introductionWeb platform for a maritime-touristic company dedicated to do grottoe tours and dolphin watching. <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Responsive website</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Booking system</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Backoffice</li> </ul>
- Image(array)
- id40
- name07.png
- PageType(array)
- 17(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContent(array)
- id88
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.lagosempreendedor.com/pt/desporto/guia-do-desporto-e-lazer
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id162
- slugguide-of-sports-and-leisure
- titleGuide of Sports and Leisure
- subtitle
- introductionMobile application to show the sports and leisure activities offer of Lagos. <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Android</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>iOS</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Smartphone</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Tablet</li> </ul>
- Image(array)
- id41
- name18.png
- PageType(array)
- 18(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContent(array)
- id89
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.tascajota.com/
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id164
- slugtasca-jota
- titleTasca Jota
- subtitle
- introductionWeb platform for a typical portuguese restaurant <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Responsive website</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Booking system</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Backoffice</li> </ul>
- Image(array)
- id42
- nametasca_jota.png
- PageType(array)
- 19(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContent(array)
- id90
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.kayakadventureslagos.com/
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id166
- slugkayak-adventures-lagos
- titleKayak Adventures Lagos
- subtitle
- introductionWeb platform for a maritime-touristic company dedicated to sightseeing by kayak along the coast of Lagos. <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Responsive website</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Booking system</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Backoffice</li> </ul>
- Image(array)
- id43
- namekayak_adventures.jpeg
- PageType(array)
- 20(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- associate_promotion0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- slugportfolio
- PageContent(array)
- id91
- associate_promotion0
- booking_urlhttps://www.orallagos.pt/
- duration_tour
- price_tour
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id168
- slugorallagos-clinic
- titleOrallagos Clinic
- subtitle
- introductionWeb platform for a dental clinic. <ul class="list-style7"> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Responsive website</li> <li><i class="fas fa-check"></i>Backoffice</li> </ul>
- Image(array)
- id44
- nameorallagos.png
- PageType(array)
- 0(array)
- title_for_layoutDigital Agency 8600 - Web Platforms | Mobile Applications | Digital Marketing | Advertising
- meta_tags_details(array)
- 0(array)
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id101
- titleDigital Agency 8600 - Web Platforms | Mobile Applications | Digital Marketing | Advertising
- introductionWe are a digital company, we de web development and digital marketing.
- seo_meta_keywords
- seo_meta_description
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- 0(array)
- website_settings(array)
- Setting(array)
- website_titleAgência Digital 8600
- website_link8600.pt
- social_networks_script<!-- Go to www.addthis.com/dashboard to customize your tools --> <script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-613a62a0ecee4fcc"></script>
- social_networks_div<!-- Go to www.addthis.com/dashboard to customize your tools --> <div class="addthis_inline_share_toolbox"></div>
- google_analytics_script<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-62046816-10"></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-62046816-10'); </script>
- email_contactinfo@8600.pt
- company_cellphone
- company_cellphone_whatsapp0
- company_telephone
- company_telephone_whatsapp0
- company_address_1Espaço Jovem Lagos - Cowork
- company_address_2Rua Gil Vicente 50
- company_address_3Lagos
- company_image_id4
- Image(array)
- id4
- name8600_facebook_02.jpg
- Setting(array)
- menus(array)
- 0(array)
- PageType(array)
- id27
- is_homepage1
- static_page1
- sub_menus0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id25
- titleHome
- slughome
- PageType(array)
- 1(array)
- PageType(array)
- id40
- is_homepage0
- static_page0
- sub_menus1
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id53
- titleServices
- slugservices
- PageType(array)
- 2(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- is_homepage0
- static_page0
- sub_menus0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- titlePortfolio
- slugportfolio
- PageType(array)
- 3(array)
- PageType(array)
- id21
- is_homepage0
- static_page1
- sub_menus0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id13
- titleContacts
- slugcontacts
- PageType(array)
- 0(array)
- sub_menus(array)
- 0(array)
- PageContent(array)
- id73
- page_type_id40
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id132
- titleWeb Platforms
- slugweb-platforms
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id53
- titleServices
- slugservices
- PageContent(array)
- 1(array)
- PageContent(array)
- id74
- page_type_id40
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id134
- titleMobile Applications
- slugmobile-applications
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id53
- titleServices
- slugservices
- PageContent(array)
- 2(array)
- PageContent(array)
- id75
- page_type_id40
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id136
- titleDigital Marketing
- slugdigital-marketing
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id53
- titleServices
- slugservices
- PageContent(array)
- 3(array)
- PageContent(array)
- id76
- page_type_id40
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id138
- titleCustom Software
- slugcustom-software
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id53
- titleServices
- slugservices
- PageContent(array)
- 4(array)
- PageContent(array)
- id79
- page_type_id40
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id144
- titleSoftware As A Service
- slugsoftware-as-a-service
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id53
- titleServices
- slugservices
- PageContent(array)
- 5(array)
- PageContent(array)
- id77
- page_type_id40
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id140
- titleDesign
- slugdesign
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id53
- titleServices
- slugservices
- PageContent(array)
- 6(array)
- PageContent(array)
- id78
- page_type_id40
- PageContentTranslation(array)
- id142
- titleAdvertising
- slugadvertising
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id53
- titleServices
- slugservices
- PageContent(array)
- 0(array)
- footer_menus(array)
- 0(array)
- PageType(array)
- id21
- is_homepage0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id13
- titleContacts
- slugcontacts
- PageType(array)
- 1(array)
- PageType(array)
- id24
- is_homepage0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id19
- titleAbout Us
- slugabout-us
- PageType(array)
- 2(array)
- PageType(array)
- id39
- is_homepage0
- PageTypeTranslation(array)
- id51
- titlePortfolio
- slugportfolio
- PageType(array)
- 0(array)
- array_langs(array)
- 0English
- 1Português
- curr_languages(array)
- 0(array)
- Language(array)
- id3
- titleEnglish
- code_linken
- flageng.jpg
- default_language0
- Language(array)
- 1(array)
- Language(array)
- id2
- titlePortuguês
- code_linkpt
- flagpor.jpg
- default_language1
- Language(array)
- 0(array)
- curr_language(array)
- Language(array)
- id3
- titleEnglish
- flageng.jpg
- Language(array)
- curr_langen
- $request->data(empty)
- $this->validationErrors(array)
- Language(empty)
- PageType(empty)
- PageContent(empty)
- Setting(empty)
- Image(empty)
- Promotion(empty)
- Loaded Helpers(array)
- 0Session
- 1Recaptcha
- 2Number
- 3SimpleGraph
- 4DebugTimer
- 5Toolbar
- 6Html
- 7HtmlToolbar
==== - companies(array)
Environment +
App Constants
Constant Value CONFIG '/home/oitomil/public_html/app/Config/' DEFAULT_LANGUAGE 'pt' CakePHP Constants
Constant Value APP '/home/oitomil/public_html/app/' APP_DIR 'app' APPLIBS '/home/oitomil/public_html/app/Lib/' CACHE '/home/oitomil/public_html/app/tmp/cache/' CAKE '/home/oitomil/public_html/lib/Cake/' CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH '/home/oitomil/public_html/lib' CORE_PATH '/home/oitomil/public_html/lib/' CAKE_VERSION '2.10.24' CSS '/home/oitomil/public_html/app/webroot/css/' CSS_URL 'css/' DS '/' FULL_BASE_URL 'https://www.8600.pt' IMAGES '/home/oitomil/public_html/app/webroot/img/' IMAGES_URL 'img/' JS '/home/oitomil/public_html/app/webroot/js/' JS_URL 'js/' LOGS '/home/oitomil/public_html/app/tmp/logs/' ROOT '/home/oitomil/public_html' TESTS '/home/oitomil/public_html/app/Test/' TMP '/home/oitomil/public_html/app/tmp/' VENDORS '/home/oitomil/public_html/vendors/' WEBROOT_DIR 'webroot' WWW_ROOT '/home/oitomil/public_html/app/webroot/' PHP Environment
Environment Variable Value Php Version '7.4.33' Path '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin' Temp '/tmp' Tmp '/tmp' Tmpdir '/tmp' Pwd '/' Lscapi Criu Sync Fd '7' Http Accept 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' Http Accept Encoding 'br,gzip' Http Accept Language 'en-US,en;q=0.5' Http Connection 'close' Content Length '0' Http Host 'www.8600.pt' Http User Agent 'CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)' Http If Modified Since 'Mon, 07 Oct 2024 10:13:26 GMT' Http X Real Ip '' Http X Forwarded By '' Http X Forwarded Port '443' Http X Forwarded Proto 'https' Http X Https '1' Redirect Redirect Unique Id 'Z7WyYoQ_aPTrgDIAeWZwDAAAAAI' Redirect Redirect Script Url '/en' Redirect Redirect Script Uri 'https://www.8600.pt/en' Redirect Redirect Https 'on' Redirect Redirect Status '200' Redirect Unique Id 'Z7WyYoQ_aPTrgDIAeWZwDAAAAAI' Redirect Script Url '/en' Redirect Script Uri 'https://www.8600.pt/en' Redirect Http Authorization '' Redirect Https 'on' Redirect Status '200' Unique Id 'Z7WyYoQ_aPTrgDIAeWZwDAAAAAI' Script Url '/en' Script Uri 'https://www.8600.pt/en' Http Authorization '' Https 'on' Server Signature '' Server Software 'Apache' Server Name 'www.8600.pt' Server Addr '' Server Port '443' Remote Addr '' Document Root '/home/oitomil/public_html' Request Scheme 'https' Context Prefix '' Context Document Root '/home/oitomil/public_html' Server Admin 'webmaster@8600.pt' Script Filename '/home/oitomil/public_html/app/webroot/index.php' Remote Port '38732' Redirect Url '/app/webroot/en' Server Protocol 'HTTP/1.0' Request Method 'GET' Query String '' Request Uri '/en' Script Name '/app/webroot/index.php' Php Self '/app/webroot/index.php' Request Time Float (float) 1739960931.006 Request Time (int) 1739960931 ==== -
Include +
Included Files
Include Paths
- 0/home/oitomil/public_html/lib
- 2/opt/alt/php74/usr/share/pear
- 3-> /home/oitomil/public_html/lib/Cake/
Included Files
- core(array)
- Cache(array)
- 0CORE/Cache/Cache.php
- 1CORE/Cache/Engine/FileEngine.php
- 2CORE/Cache/CacheEngine.php
- Component(array)
- 0CORE/Controller/Component/SecurityComponent.php
- 1CORE/Controller/Component/SessionComponent.php
- 2CORE/Controller/Component/CookieComponent.php
- Config(array)
- 0CORE/Config/config.php
- Controller(array)
- 0CORE/Controller/Controller.php
- 1CORE/Controller/ComponentCollection.php
- 2CORE/Controller/Component.php
- Datasource(array)
- 0CORE/Model/Datasource/CakeSession.php
- 1CORE/Model/Datasource/Database/Mysql.php
- 2CORE/Model/Datasource/DboSource.php
- 3CORE/Model/Datasource/DataSource.php
- Error(array)
- 0CORE/Error/exceptions.php
- 1CORE/Error/ErrorHandler.php
- I18n(array)
- 0CORE/I18n/I18n.php
- 1CORE/I18n/L10n.php
- Log(array)
- 0CORE/Log/CakeLog.php
- 1CORE/Log/LogEngineCollection.php
- 2CORE/Log/Engine/FileLog.php
- 3CORE/Log/Engine/BaseLog.php
- 4CORE/Log/CakeLogInterface.php
- Model(array)
- 0CORE/Model/Model.php
- 1CORE/Model/BehaviorCollection.php
- 2CORE/Model/ConnectionManager.php
- Network(array)
- 0CORE/Network/CakeRequest.php
- 1CORE/Network/CakeResponse.php
- Other(array)
- 0CORE/bootstrap.php
- 1CORE/basics.php
- 2CORE/Core/App.php
- 3CORE/Core/Configure.php
- 4CORE/Core/CakePlugin.php
- 5CORE/Event/CakeEventListener.php
- 6CORE/Event/CakeEvent.php
- 7CORE/Event/CakeEventManager.php
- 8CORE/Core/CakeObject.php
- Routing(array)
- 0CORE/Routing/Dispatcher.php
- 1CORE/Routing/Filter/AssetDispatcher.php
- 2CORE/Routing/DispatcherFilter.php
- 3CORE/Routing/Filter/CacheDispatcher.php
- 4CORE/Routing/Router.php
- 5CORE/Routing/Route/CakeRoute.php
- Utility(array)
- 0CORE/Utility/Hash.php
- 1CORE/Utility/Inflector.php
- 2CORE/Utility/ObjectCollection.php
- 3CORE/Utility/Debugger.php
- 4CORE/Utility/CakeText.php
- 5CORE/Utility/Security.php
- 6CORE/Utility/ClassRegistry.php
- View(array)
- 0CORE/View/HelperCollection.php
- Cache(array)
- app(array)
- Config(array)
- 0APP/Config/core.php
- 1APP/Config/bootstrap.php
- 2APP/Config/routes.php
- 3APP/Config/database.php
- Controller(array)
- 0APP/Controller/PageTypesController.php
- 1APP/Controller/AppController.php
- Model(array)
- 0APP/Model/AppModel.php
- 1APP/Model/Setting.php
- Other(array)
- 0APP/webroot/index.php
- Config(array)
- plugins(array)
- DebugKit(array)
- Component(array)
- 0DebugKit/Controller/Component/ToolbarComponent.php
- Plugin(array)
- 0DebugKit/Lib/DebugMemory.php
- 1DebugKit/Lib/Panel/HistoryPanel.php
- 2DebugKit/Lib/DebugPanel.php
- 3DebugKit/Lib/Panel/SessionPanel.php
- 4DebugKit/Lib/Panel/RequestPanel.php
- 5DebugKit/Lib/Panel/SqlLogPanel.php
- 6DebugKit/Lib/Panel/TimerPanel.php
- 7DebugKit/Lib/Panel/LogPanel.php
- 8DebugKit/Lib/Log/Engine/DebugKitLog.php
- 9DebugKit/Lib/Panel/VariablesPanel.php
- 10DebugKit/Lib/Panel/EnvironmentPanel.php
- 11DebugKit/Lib/Panel/IncludePanel.php
- 12DebugKit/Lib/DebugTimer.php
- Component(array)
- Recaptcha(array)
- Component(array)
- 0Recaptcha/Controller/Component/RecaptchaComponent.php
- Component(array)
- DebugKit(array)